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Sunday, September 7, 2008 | 2:06 PM | 0 Comments


Know the UNIX operating system. You cannot hack UNIX without knowing how the operating system works and how it operates. Once you have mastered the usage of UNIX, you can begin learning some hacking techniques. Know the UNIX commands and the error messages and what each error message conveys.

Guess the login name and password. At times, doing this will yield access, especially if everyone in the office already has a standard login naming convention. Also, some users are careless; they leave their passwords on sticky notes, or they let other people see what they are typing. Teach them a lesson by hacking into their system and then tell them they should be more careful next time. Help them choose a stronger password that is hard to guess.

Log in to superuser accounts. Superuser names that are shortcut names commonly used to support the subsystems are "root" (has no restrictions), "sysadmin" (does not need a root account), "mountfsys" (mount files) and "makefsys" (make files). Some careless systems administrator might leave the password as "password" or they might use a password that is the same as the login name. For example, for login "root," they use the password "root." Other common ones are "bin" and "daemon." Teach other systems admins in your company to be more careful by doing this simple hack so they can strengthen the sysadmin accounts right away.

Use lowercase when guessing logins and passwords. Guess from 1 to 8 alpha and numerics. Sometimes, a weak password will have only alpha characters, so go there first.

Try basic commands once you are in. You know you are in if you see any of the following characters at the beginning of the line: $, % or #. Some basic commands to use are "ls- a" (list of files in current directory), "cd\name" (name of the subdirectory you choose), "cd\" (brings your home directory to current use) and "cat name" (a filename that the user name you got into has written). To find or look at the list of accounts created in the system, use "cat /etc/passwd." By default this is readable by anyone in the system.

Locate the "shadow" files. If the /etc text file doesn't show the password hashes, you can find them using "NIS/yp," which is a password shadowing the password data. Some UNIX systems use this to hide passwords.

Use a brute-force password-cracking technique. This is a repeated attempt to guess the password. This is useful to find a forgotten password, but it needs the aid of a systems administrator to allow this to be done repeatedly by clearing the lockouts when they happen.

Use a dictionary word-cracking technique. This is one of the most popular techniques to hack into UNIX passwords. This takes a word list and then tries to crack one or all the listed passwords listed in the file. Dictionary word-cracking tools filter, change or mutate the words, add prefixes or suffixes and mix letters and numbers by switching the orders they are used.

Use the Alex Muffet's program to crack passwords on UNIX. This can be configured by the systems administrator to run automatically and periodically, which then sends a "nastygram" or mail to users with weak passwords to remind them to create stronger passwords. This can be run manually and used across multiple systems.

Use Jack the Ripper cracking tool. This program is DOS-based and uses a number of features that are easy to use. There is also a version called John the Ripper, which was developed by Solar Designer; cracklike rules have been added and can run on DOS and UNIX. Either one will do to hack into any DOS- or UNIX-based system.

Greatly Increase Your Computer Speed Immediately! Right Now

Is your computer slow and unresponsive? Do you find yourself doing other things while you are waiting for your computer to load? I know from personal experience that this can be very frustrating. Today I am going to take you step by step on what you need to do to fix this and your computer performance will improve immediately! I GUARANTEE that your computer will be much faster when you are done with all of the steps I take you through.


This is a free utility that is a computer(and sanity) lifesaver! I have never had a problem with this program. It has done wonders for my computer. I HIGHLY recommend downloading this utility!

You can download it directly from Here:

Or You can go to the home page and read about it and then download it, Here:

Download and and install CCleaner

Create a system restore point. Name it "Before Cleaning with CCleaner"

Create a system restore point. To do this, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore and select "Create Restore Point".

Open it (It will place an icon on your desktop). On the left side you will see 4 Buttons. 1. Cleaner, 2. Registry, 3. Tools and 4. Options. We will be using Cleaner and Registry. When you are in Cleaner Mode, You will see 2 Tabs not far to the right (Registry mode does not have these tabs). These 2 Tabs are "Windows" (Cleanup) and "Applications" (Cleanup). While in the "Windows" tab, Click "Run Cleaner" in the bottom Right hand corner.

Click the "Applications" Tab. Click Run CCleaner.

Next, go down to the Registry Button on the Left hand side. It is just under the cleaner button. Click "Scan For Issues". This is going to find problems with your registry, an extremely important part of your computer. It is very accurate and has never told me that something was an issue when it really wasn't. It may take a while to scan, and when it is finished, Click "Fix Selected Issues".

A pop-up will come up and ask "Do you want to backup changes to the registry?". This is GOOD. Click "Yes". Then save the backup wherever you want to.

One last screen. You are almost done, and your computer is almost done. I'm sure you can already feel the difference, but after this, you will be very happy with the results! Click "Fix All Selected Issues"! Thats It! That wasn't that hard either!

Please let me know how everything works for you! PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT! If you have any trouble with my directions, please tell me, and I'll help you! Good luck everyone, and enjoy!

Get Rid of Spyware

If you are running Windows XP, I'd be willing to bet that you have at least one spyware or malicious adware program on your PC. There are several free programs out there that are as good or better than most paid tools. Keep reading for more info

Lavasoft has the number one highest rated free spyware removal program, called Ad-Aware. It is simple to use, and is meant for use with Windows XP. The free version will do everything but schedule scans, so you'll have to periodically run it yourself. Once you download, make sure to update all definitions and product updates. Download this for free at:

Next up to bat with the free programs is the Window's Vista compatible Spybot Search & Destroy. This program rocks, without a doubt. Not quite as user friendly as Ad-Aware, but their website has a great tutorial for using this program. Again, be sure to update all definitions and product updates after downloading and installing. Download this for free at:

Finally, Microsoft makes it's own anti-malware program, called Windows Defender. It hasn't been ranked quite as high as the other programs, but it is simplified and has an easy to use interface. This program is the best choice if you plan on using either of the 2 other programs in conjunction with each other.

How to Get More Page Views on Associated Content

Posting articles on Associated Content is an excellent way to get your work out to a vast audience. It's also a very good way to make some extra cash. Both of these, however, are dependent upon driving readers to your content. As with any website, more page views equals more revenue for both Associated Content and yourself. Here is how to get more page views on Associated Content.

Write about current events, subjects of interest and other topics that readers will be interested in. For example, writing about the latest Hollywood gossip is a fail-safe way to generate more page views. Both users on Associated Content and of the internet in general are always interested in the latest celebrity news.

Use plenty of keyword density in your Associated Content articles. Keyword density is important while writing for any website, especially Associated Content. Basically, all you need to do is use important, or key, words and phrases often. If you're writing about the Super Bowl, for example, than the phrase “Super Bowl” should be about three percent of your piece. Doing this will cause your articles to come up on search engines when users look up that particular word or phrase.

Become friends with other writers on Associated Content and read their content. If you do this for others, they will most likely do the same for you. After all, every writer on Associated Content is searching for page views and feedback. Having a network of friends on Associated Content is a guaranteed way to get you page views.

Use social networking websites to generate more page views for your Associated Content articles. On the bottom of your Associated Content pieces there is a tab labeled “Share.” Clicking on that tab will bring up a pop-up window which will lead you to links to websites such as Facebook, MySpace and Digg. For most of these websites, you will need to create an account in order to spread your Associated Content work.

Email your Associated Content links to friends, family and co-workers. Your friends will more than likely be willing to at the very least click on your work, especially considering that page views on Associated Content generates revenue for you. Ask those people to spread your links to others, as well.

How to Free Up Computer Disk Space

Through time, you may find that your computer begins running slower than it used to. One reason for this may be that your disk is running out of room. Eliminating files and programs from your hard drive will improve the speed of your computer and allow you to add files and programs that you will actually use. The overall process is rather simple, as you don't even have to do everything yourself. Here is how to free up computer disk space.

Begin by running Disk Cleanup. Removing temporary Internet and Windows files, emptying the Recycle Bin and deleting components that you haven't used in a long time and no longer use is a great way to free up some computer disk space. Disk Cleanup does all of this for you. Using Disk Cleanup should definitely be your first step when trying to free up some disk space.

Go through your audio and video files and delete any songs, movies or other files that you don't want anymore. A single song or video will not take up much space on your disk. However, chances are that anybody who downloads or rips music and videos onto a computer has more than just a handful of these files that could be deleted. Consider making a large data CD with these files before you remove them from your computer.

Browse through the “Add or Remove Programs” section of your control panel and remove any programs you don't use. Disk Cleanup does catch some of these programs but not all of them. When going through the list of programs, consider if you actually need every program before you decide to keep or delete it.

Download, install and run an anti-spyware/anti-adware program. Disk Cleanup has been known to miss these types of files. This is important in both freeing up some computer disk space as well as keeping your computer safe from infections.

Format Columns Of Data Into A Table In Excel 2007

Creating a table in Excel 2007 is so easy; it’s now a basic feature, easily accessible without poking through menus. With data appearing in a table, you can readily filter or sort from column drop down menus. This tutorial covers the simple process of creating a table (formerly called a list) and touches on basic sorts.

Open the Excel 2007 workbook containing the columns of data that you want to convert to a table.

You can start out by clicking on the “Format as Table” link on the Home ribbon, then select a layout, and lastly, select a range. Or, you can select the data first, and then click on Format as Table. To select the data, left click your mouse in the upper left corner of the data, and then while holding down on the mouse button, drag the mouse to the lower right corner. Release the button and the data will show highlighted (selected).

Partial Menu Excel will produce an extensive layout of predesigned table formats from light, medium to dark layouts. You can choose one of the designs or create a new layout. To select a layout, click on the image.

After you choose your table layout, a dialogue box will pop-up for you to confirm your data selection, including if you have column headers selected. (If you had not selected your table, at this point, you could either type in the range, or select the range.) Click OK.

To sort or filter any column, click on the down arrow in the header whose data you want to sort. Common sort options appear at the top of the drop down, and those include:

• A-Z or Z-A for text data
• Oldest to newest or newest to oldest for dates
• Smallest to largest or largest to smallest for numbers, including dollars

At the bottom of the drop down are filter options comparable to those found in Excel 2003. For more information on filters, you can use Excel’s Help feature.
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