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Sunday, September 7, 2008 | 1:56 PM | 0 Comments

How to Get More Page Views on Associated Content

Posting articles on Associated Content is an excellent way to get your work out to a vast audience. It's also a very good way to make some extra cash. Both of these, however, are dependent upon driving readers to your content. As with any website, more page views equals more revenue for both Associated Content and yourself. Here is how to get more page views on Associated Content.

Write about current events, subjects of interest and other topics that readers will be interested in. For example, writing about the latest Hollywood gossip is a fail-safe way to generate more page views. Both users on Associated Content and of the internet in general are always interested in the latest celebrity news.

Use plenty of keyword density in your Associated Content articles. Keyword density is important while writing for any website, especially Associated Content. Basically, all you need to do is use important, or key, words and phrases often. If you're writing about the Super Bowl, for example, than the phrase “Super Bowl” should be about three percent of your piece. Doing this will cause your articles to come up on search engines when users look up that particular word or phrase.

Become friends with other writers on Associated Content and read their content. If you do this for others, they will most likely do the same for you. After all, every writer on Associated Content is searching for page views and feedback. Having a network of friends on Associated Content is a guaranteed way to get you page views.

Use social networking websites to generate more page views for your Associated Content articles. On the bottom of your Associated Content pieces there is a tab labeled “Share.” Clicking on that tab will bring up a pop-up window which will lead you to links to websites such as Facebook, MySpace and Digg. For most of these websites, you will need to create an account in order to spread your Associated Content work.

Email your Associated Content links to friends, family and co-workers. Your friends will more than likely be willing to at the very least click on your work, especially considering that page views on Associated Content generates revenue for you. Ask those people to spread your links to others, as well.


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