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Saturday, October 11, 2008 | 12:04 PM | 0 Comments

Edit Music, Audio, and Sounds

This article deals with recorded audio, music, and sounds to be edited. This article assumes it is being done in a sound editing software program. This can be use to edit audio recordings such as poetry readings or your own audio book.

If it is not there already, burn or record your creation to the hard drive of the computer, preferably to "My Documents". Use either your editing software, sound recording software, or Windows Media Player to do this.

If the file is not opened already, use the music/sound editing software to open the file to be edited.

Edit the recording as necessary with the program. It is hard to get it the way desired at times, so plan on spending a lot of time on this step.
From here, mistakes can be edited out, background music or second instrument recordings can be added, sound effects can be added, the recording be changed sound wise such as warping the sound and such, the piece can be edited sound wise, sometimes extra notes can be added in music pieces, and so forth.
The editing program used will likely have instructions and ways within the program to do all this.

Burn the finished recording to a CD-R, CD-RW, or similar format for listening--or upload to online places for sale or fun. Make sure the sound format is compatible with the site uploaded to. Most sites take MP3s but a few may accept WMA. If the editing software doesn't convert to MP3--MP3 conversion programs may be obtained online for free at sites such as or Tucows. Also, there may be a website online that will do this without downloading.

Edit a Radio Interview That is on a CD (new)

This is an article on editing a radio interview that was conducted for the purpose of airing it. Whether editing it for a commercial for the interview or editing things like bloopers, swearing, background noise, etc. out, this article should be fine for it. I wrote a similar one a long time ago that kept showing up as an error on E-How, so I deleted it. It was an answer to a request then, but I figured maybe the requester or someone else can use it. This article is for the sole purpose of a person who has permission to do the editing. This article assumes the editing will be done directly on a computer.

Turn on the computer and load up the music editing program. Then insert the CD with the interview in the CD drive.

Copy the entire sound file with the help of the music editing program to the editing screen. If unable to do so within the program--Windows Media Player can be used to "rip" the file to the hard drive--just make sure the editing program can use WMA files, then use the editing program to open the file.

Follow the instructions for the particular music editing program being used to cut out bad parts, shorten segments, add background music, etc.
The methods used will be slightly different for different programs. Usually, it will be a familiar "cut and paste" process. This part can be difficult as the interview needs to be edited in the right places and for the right amount of time--try to save often and restore pieces at the time mistakes are made.

If a CD-RW type disk was used for the interview, the interview can be added or overwritten--just be sure to save a copy of the entire original interview somewhere. If the interview was made using a CD-R, then it must be "burnt" to a new CD.

Burn the edited interview to a CD-R or CD-RW type disc. This can be done with the music editing program or Windows Media Player. Making more than one copy is recommended for error control such as scratched CD's--also leaving a copy on the hard drive is recommended.

Use the edited interview on the air or the radio station's website or what ever way permission has been granted to do so.

Edit a Movie Using AVS Movie Editor

AVS is a very simple-to-use video editing software program that can be used to edit and create videos for home and work. You can use these steps to edit your own videos using AVS.

Open the AVS software. Go to the file drop-down menu and click on "New Project."

Fill in the blanks when the file name box pops up. Enter the name of your project and select where you would like the project saved on your computer, then press the "Next" button.

Select the project parameters. You can just go with the default to start with. Then, push the "Create" button.

Click the "Add audio" button at the top of the screen.

Add your video, then press the "Import media" button.

Right-click on your movie's picture that is in the library section and select "Cut into sections."

Move the scenes you want to keep down to the storyboard by dragging and dropping them. You can put the clips in any order you like.

Adjust the color by right-clicking the clip and choosing "Color correction." Add effects and transitions to the clips in the storyboard by using the menu on the left-hand side.

Click "Save movie" when you are done.

earn money from Gomez Peer

Gomez Peer provides service to third party to measure the real - world performance of websites. It needs thousands of computers combine together to take it effective, and provide data to the third party. So, they will pay people

For Gomez Peer to pay you, you must sign up with your own user name and password.

Once they accept you. You and update the payment information, so they can pay you.

You either choose paypal, Alipay, or moneybookers. If you don't have account with all these services, sign up with them, it is free of charge.

On the final step, you have download their software called "Peer", it is a Java Application, install it on your spare computer if you have more than one. Running it on the background, it won't affect your internet connection. You money will accumulated as long as you log online.
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