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Sunday, September 7, 2008 | 1:49 PM | 0 Comments

Format Columns Of Data Into A Table In Excel 2007

Creating a table in Excel 2007 is so easy; it’s now a basic feature, easily accessible without poking through menus. With data appearing in a table, you can readily filter or sort from column drop down menus. This tutorial covers the simple process of creating a table (formerly called a list) and touches on basic sorts.

Open the Excel 2007 workbook containing the columns of data that you want to convert to a table.

You can start out by clicking on the “Format as Table” link on the Home ribbon, then select a layout, and lastly, select a range. Or, you can select the data first, and then click on Format as Table. To select the data, left click your mouse in the upper left corner of the data, and then while holding down on the mouse button, drag the mouse to the lower right corner. Release the button and the data will show highlighted (selected).

Partial Menu Excel will produce an extensive layout of predesigned table formats from light, medium to dark layouts. You can choose one of the designs or create a new layout. To select a layout, click on the image.

After you choose your table layout, a dialogue box will pop-up for you to confirm your data selection, including if you have column headers selected. (If you had not selected your table, at this point, you could either type in the range, or select the range.) Click OK.

To sort or filter any column, click on the down arrow in the header whose data you want to sort. Common sort options appear at the top of the drop down, and those include:

• A-Z or Z-A for text data
• Oldest to newest or newest to oldest for dates
• Smallest to largest or largest to smallest for numbers, including dollars

At the bottom of the drop down are filter options comparable to those found in Excel 2003. For more information on filters, you can use Excel’s Help feature.


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