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Tuesday, October 14, 2008 | 12:38 PM | 0 Comments

Extend Your Laptop's Battery Life

Most laptop manufactors promoise that the battery of the Laptop you have will last a long time, they lied! The laptop battery always seems to stop working very early (when you're watching a dvd). Take the proper steps yourself to ensure you get the most out of your laptop's battery life!

The well lit screen on your laptop takes up more power than you think. While the screen is bright, you don't have to have it up to the maximum brightness in order to use it. Go to your screen settings and decrease the brightness so it's still comfortable for you to use.

Discontinue your wireless signal if you have one, while you're not using your laptop. 20-30 minutes of your laptops battery life goes towards supporting your WiFi wireless feature. Right click on your wireless icon and click disable.

Make sure you have the correct power scheme set on your laptop. You can choose to use maximum power or low power when not using your laptop. Play around with the settings until you find one you feel comfortable with.


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