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Tuesday, November 4, 2008 | 1:42 PM | 0 Comments

RapidWeaver Web Design App for Mac Reaches V. 4.2

Realmac Software has updated RapidWeaver, its website creation tool and flagship app for Mac OS X. Version 4.2 adds full localization for four additional languages (French, German, Italian and Japanese), while it also tweaks some of the existing features, and fixes a number of bugs as well.

Founded in November 2002, Realmac Software is focused on developing useful, easy-to-use programs for Mac OS X. RapidWeaver, the flagship app of the company, was released in June 2004. According to its makers, it continues to receive excellent reviews to this day.

Realmac's web design application helps users “create professional looking web sites in minutes,” the company says. RapidWeaver allows anyone to publish photos, movies and blogs online instantly, since no knowledge of complex codes is required, according to the developers. However, while you don't need to be aware of how XHTML or CSS work in order to get started with RapidWeaver, code-savvy users do have the ability to place HTML, PHP or CSS codes throughout the application, for even better results.

As noted above, the latest version of RapidWeaver brings a slew of changes and tweaks, some of which we've highlighted below:

- German, French, Italian and Japanese localization added;
- Webpage source list now remembers the previous width;
- Growl no longer displays notifications when RapidWeaver is in the foreground;
- Holding down the Command key, whilst starting RapidWeaver, now disables third-party plugins until the application is restarted;
- Holding down Command and Option, whilst starting RapidWeaver, now disables all third-party add-ons (themes, snippets, plugins) until the application is restarted;
- Images dragged into a styled text view now have Web friendly, unique filenames;
- Saving a document that has missing files is no longer treated as an error;
- Improvements to smart publishing / “Credit RapidWeaver” metadata handling to reduce future uploads.

RapidWeaver 4.2 is a free upgrade for registered users of RapidWeaver 3.6 or higher. One user license goes for US$79, while users of RapidWeaver 3.5, or earlier, can benefit from an upgrade offer that has them pay just $30 in order to get the latest version. A download link for RapidWeaver 4.2 is available below.

External Mirror 1 - Leopard [DMG]

External Mirror 2 - Tiger [DMG]


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