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Saturday, November 22, 2008 | 2:42 PM | 0 Comments

Planned System Shutdown

Planned System Shutdown description

Automaticaly shutdown your PC with running countdown timer!

Planned System Shutdown is an easy-to-use application which allows users to schdeule when they want their system to be shutdown.

Here are some key features of "Planned System Shutdown":

· Command Line Input Line Input
· Interface Input
· Stability
· Easy to use
· No Muss/Fuss simple Install/Uninstall
· No limits on countdown timing input
· Application Exit forcing with optional delay
· Automatic time calculations (E.G. 120 Seconds = 2 Minutes)
· Hi->Low Semi-Numerical Inputs (E.G. D:M:H:S or S or H:S or M:H:S)
· Alpha Numeric Inputs (E.G. 3 days 4 hours 10 minutes 19 seconds)
· Random Alpha Numeric Inputs (E.G. 1minute 1 Hour 10s 365 DAYS)
· Inconsequential use of system resources
· Shows shutdown initialization date when forcing apps to close
· Can report extended information about days when days exceed 999
· Small application file size (less than 50 KB!)
· Hide the application
· Disable cancel button
· Force closing with delay from command line
· Restart or shutdown
· Supported by and developed FOR its user

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