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Thursday, September 18, 2008 | 8:35 AM | 0 Comments

How to Create and Organize Desktop Icons in Windows XP

Desktop icons are a great way to provide quick access to various programs, folders, and documents that you use on a daily basis. However, if you have a large number of icons on your desktop, it may seem very cluttered. The article below provides tips and tricks for organizing your desktop.

To create a shortcut on your desktop to a program, browse to the program via the "Start" menu. Once you have located the program, right-click on it. On the expanded menu, go to "Send To" and left-click on "Desktop (create shortcut)". When you look at your desktop, you should find an icon to the program.

To create a shortcut on your desktop to a folder or document, right-click on the "Start" button and left-click on "Explore". The Windows Explorer screen will display. Browse to the folder or document.

When you have located the file or folder, right-click on it. On the expanded menu, go to "Send To" and left-click on "Desktop (create shortcut)". When you look at your desktop, you should find an icon to the folder/document.

Right-click anywhere on your desktop and go to "Arrange Icons By". In the expanded menu, make sure that there is a check mark next to "Align to Grid" and that there is no check mark next to "Auto Arrange".

NOTE: If all of your icons suddenly disappear, make sure that you did not accidentally click on "Show Desktop Icons". This option requires that there is a check mark next to it in order for your shortcuts to display on the screen.
Click and drag your icons to where ever you want them on your desktop. You can create groups of icons, depending on how you would like to set them up. This part is totally up to you ... the idea is to organize the desktop however is best for your needs. The attached screenshot is an example of how you can organize them.


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