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Thursday, September 18, 2008 | 8:34 AM | 0 Comments

How to Clean Your CD-Rom Drive

Is your CD-Rom driving going slow or skipping? It may just need a good cleaning in order to have it back to normal. Follow these easy directions and you'll be on your way to having a perfect drive again!

Check and make sure all your disks are scratch free. This may have something to do with your drive not working correctly. Make sure you also load your disk properly.

Always use laser lens cleaner to clean your cd-rom drive. Don't try just using soap and water, this will ruin your drive completely.

Run laser cleaner Place the lens cleaner in the cd-rom drive and let it work for about 2 or 3 minutes before taking it out.

Using the laser cleaner will rid the drive of dust however; if your drive is still giving you problems try taking a cotton swab and rubbing it across the lens.


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