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Wednesday, September 24, 2008 | 6:38 PM | 0 Comments

How to Be a Team Player at Work

Work. It's something most of us have to do to sustain our way of life. Putting yourself in a position to be a team player at work is beneficial in many ways. Being a team player at work can make the 40+ hour work week appear much shorter and alot more easy to endure.

When you and a work colleague have a disagreement on an issue, take the high road and compromise to find an answer to the problem. By taking the high-road on an issue, you can be a team player at work. You can also impress your bosses when there is a problem between you and a coworker and you sacrifice yourself to find a solution to a problem.

At times we find ourselves giving 120% on a job, and think we can't give anymore of ourselves to the cause. Then a coworker calls off work. This really sets you back with your deadlines. So when you boss comes up to you and asks you to work overtime to cover for that person, you stop yourself and think for a moment "this isn't my responsibility, I'm mentally and physically tired and I don't need the overtime money". Take the extra moment when you are thinking about all this and fight the mental and physically tiredness. Say yes. This will get the job done, help out your boss, put some extra money in your pocket (perhaps you can use that for a massage after work to help those tired muscles) and remind your boss just how much of a team player at work you are.

You have built up 20 years of time at your workplace. You have attained 4 weeks of vacation. So for the past 10 years, you have taken Christmas week off to spend more time with your family. Your workplace has hired some new people in the last year, and they will only get a few days off for vacation time. Instead of taking off your regular Christmas week, sacrifice your week off and let some of the people with less time use their time during Christmas. This will show you as a team player at work, because seniority would work in your favor and would give you the right to take that time at Christmas. You will also lead by example - years to come, when your coworkers are older with more seniority, they may think back to your kindness and do the same for those younger than them at your workplace.

It's your birthday and you'd much rather have off from work than to have to drag yourself into work. But you've used up all your personal and vacation time for the year. Make this day one to enjoy, not to dread, by baking cookies or cupcakes the night before your birthday and take them into work so everyone can enjoy your birthday. The break you take to eat your birthday treat will be a good time shortener to your workday. Your coworkers will see what a team player you are by your generous gesture.


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