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Friday, September 26, 2008 | 11:29 PM | 0 Comments

choose a graphics or video card for your pc

When choosing a video or graphics card, you must first know the needs for upgrading such a piece of hardware. This is mainly for users that play video games a great amount or for use with graphics development. Choosing the right graphics or video card can be quite easily if your an experienced game player. However, for a graphics artist it can be quite a hassle.

The first step on deciding which graphics or video card is best for our needs. Since we are mostly going to be playing mostly online games, a video card would be best suitable for our needs because one, the memory made available to video rendering is great. Gigabyte video cards are essential for online gaming which is at least a gigabyte of video that is made available to our already capable computer that we have. Most computers today can run any late model video card without really any upgrades. However, the more R.A.M (Random Access Memory) we have in our computer, the better. Though anything of or better than 512 Megabyte's of R.A.M. especially of D.D.R. 1 through 5( Double Data Rate) is more than sufficient.

Now that we have figured out the type of video card we will be using, we need to know where to purchase this piece of hardware to give our graphics area a better view. Normally we can get them at a local Wally World or if your wanting to get really into it, you can go to any computer outlet and buy a high end video card made especially for online or offline game play. This way you get what you pay for and you know what your getting especially if it came from a computer outlet. While at the computer outlet, if your not a handy person on knowing where to put your new video card, ask them to install it for you and should not take any time at all, and they might even do it for free.

Now we can take our new computer with our newly installed video card and test it out with the games that we have wanted to play. This way we will know whether it works the way we wanted it to. Also the video card will give some extra added stability to our system and possibly make it run tremendously better.


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