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Wednesday, September 24, 2008 | 6:32 PM | 0 Comments

Be a Great Job Candidate

Competition for the best jobs with top companies is tougher than ever before. Don’t get lost in the sea of mediocrity. Today, you really need an edge to get noticed and hired into the job you want. What is special about you and your skill set? How can you make yourself sparkle in a big crowd of other equally qualified people? Read on for some ideas on highlighting your job candidacy and being a great job candidate.

Find and define your own employment niche. Look at all your skills and abilities. Identify the particular skill set that meets your dream job’s requirements. Then, see if you are lacking in some area. For example, if you an AS degree instead of a BS, start working toward the higher degree. You should have evidence to support the fact that you are moving toward a particular skill goal.

Research companies that offer the job you are seeking. Ideally, you should come up with a top ten list of companies that are close enough to you geographically, so you can make contact with them, meet with a representative or can apply directly for job openings.

Learn the inside scoop on the company. You can often befriend someone in either the HR office or through a professional association within your field of specialization. When you later get the chance to talk with a representative, you will have an inside track about what is happening there. Perhaps they just had a celebratory milestone or landed a big contract. Use this information as an icebreaker when you talk to someone in management and they will know you have really done your homework.

Attend events where the company has a strong presence (business after hours meetings, professional associations and trade shows) and meet some of their employees. Ask questions about the company, where they are focused, what he likes or dislikes about the job and if any job opportunities are in the works. Get names, titles and business cards of any contacts.

Send a letter to the President or General Manager. Express the fact that you have done research and want to work for them in the future. Tell him you would like to be considered for a particular job the next time an opening is available. Further, ask if you may meet with him for a few minutes in an informational interview. He may delegate this to another member of the management team or HR.

Recite your job search script that includes a synopsis, in about five minutes, of the highlights of your professional experience to date, to whoever you ultimately meet with at the company. Cover your education, years of experience in the key areas they are likely to be interested in and any major awards or distinctions.

Impress the company representative by dressing your best, demonstrating your impeccable interpersonal skills and presenting them with your flawless resume. If no positions are available or expected to be available within the next year, ask her where she would suggest you try to apply for a similar position. Listen carefully and take names.

Follow up with your contacts and be sure to send a thank you letter to anyone who meets with you. Make sure that the letter is grammatically perfect and shows your appreciation and enthusiasm. The letter should close with a statement about how excited you are about the possibility of working with him in the future.

Repeat this process until you hit on the right place at the right time. It will happen. Practice your job search script and carefully memorize it. Each time you go through this process you will get better at it and be more polished and smooth.


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