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Thursday, August 7, 2008 | 6:58 PM | 0 Comments

Add FREE FONTS to a Computer - Windows XP

Are you tired of the same old fonts? Creating something that needs a little "zing"? It is easier than you think to find new fonts and install them on the home computer- absolutely FREE.

First, do a google search for free fonts. There are many sites. Choose one. I like It is as good as any for a place to start. Starting with follow the outlined steps.

Browse the website for a font that you really like. This may take a bit because there are so many and it is fun to browse them all. Once you have found one to save click on the tiny name in blue under the font sample. It will bring up the entire alphabet in that font. If it is acceptable then click on download. [choose WIN or MAC]

A small window will open up. Click on Open with Compressed Folder [default]. Click OK.

Another small window will pop up saying the download is complete. Click Open.

On the left hand side of the window click on Extract all Files. Keep hitting the Next prompts until you get to Finish. Click on Finish.

Now, go to Start. Click on Control Panel. Double click on Fonts Folder. Click on the magnifying glass icon to search.

Type in search for .ttf files. Any font you have downloaded will come up. Stop search once you find what you are searching for. Simply drag the name of the font to the left side of the screen and place under the control panel fonts folder.

It is now in your computer for use... create away! ...


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