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Friday, September 28, 2007 | 2:58 AM | 0 Comments

Firefox Best Performance Settings 2


The Download Actions dialog shows the file types and the actions the browser will perform when it encounters a given file type.

For any file type listed, click on either Remove Action or Change Action

You click on Change Action (from previous slide), select Save them on my computer to save files of that type to the computer.

This helps prevent automated exploitation of vulnerabilities that may exist in these applications

Firefox includes a feature to Clear Private Data to give users the option to remove potentially sensitive information from the web browser.

Click on Tools, then Save Private data to find the settings . This is where you can configure Firefox to remove potentially sensitive data from the browser

This is where you can configure Firefox to remove potentially sensitive data from the browser

Useful Firefox Extensions


SiteAdvisor: Shows which sites are bad, as determined by the sites downloadable files and how much spam they send when signing up. Site includes a presentation.

Noscript: Blocks javascript/java plugins from loading unless you enable them. Makes the internet much safer.

Adblock: Blocks ads

Adblock Filter.G Updater Updates Adblock

Adblock Plus Allows an easy way to block any ad you specify.


Google Toolbar For Firefox: Adds Google Toolbar to firefox. Includes an option for spellcheck for when you're blogging or sending emails. Google search is the best search engine, use it!

Customize Google: Allows you enable several useful google features to enhance browsing. Watch their presentation.

Useful Tweaks

Faster Fox: Tweaks firefox to be even faster than it already is.

SessionSaver.2: If firefox crashes this program restores what you were doing, including the forms you were filling

Tab Mix Plus: Makes tabbed browsing more efficient. A huge convennience.

Download Them All: A download manager. Select an area with links to downloads or pages and it will download them all.

Internet Explorer Tab: Some programs wont work in firefox. For example some online virus scanners. This ads a tab to quickly move to internet explorer when you need to.


Stumbleupon: Find sites from people with similar interests

Video Downloader Download video from your favorite sources like youtube and google video.


All in One gestures: Mouse gestures to quickly navigate from site to site. Very configurable and can also be used as a screen marker.

Download Status Bar: Says the status of your downloads on the status bar.


FoxyTunes: Firefox Built in music player. Listen to music, load, and switch tracks while browsing on the same interface.

Weather: Check the weather in your local area

Did you know these basic Firefox Tips?

You can easily double the joy of using Firefox by knowing these essencial Firefox tips.

1. To quickly find any word in a web page type /word it will highlight the word and press Ctrl+G to “Find Again” that word again

2. If you wish to remove an item from your Address Bar Drop down menu, Highlight it without clicking and use Shift+Delete.

3. Clear your Download history to make the download manager moreresponsive : Tools | Options | PrivacyType about:cache?device=disk in your address bar to view/save items that you have in your firefox disk cache

4. Type about:cache?device=memory in your address bar to view/save items that you have in your Firefox memory cache

5. Drag any link to the Download Manager Window to add & download the link.

6. If you accidentally delete a bookmark and want to recover it, open the “Bookmarks Manager” and use Ctrl+Z, or Edit | Undo.

7. Double Clicking empty space on the Tab Bar will open a ‘New Tab’

8. Holding down the Ctrl key when you right click to “View Image” or “View Background Image” will open the image in a New Tab or New Window.

9. A bookmarks Folder’s position can also be Dragged & Dropped but you must hold down the SHIFT key while Dragging.

10. To prevent a website from replacing/changing your rightclick context menu go to Tools > Options > Web Features then click the “advanced tab” and de-select “remove or replace context menus”. Update: go to Tools>Options>content>Advanced on Firefox2

11. You can work offline in Firefox just go to File > Work Offline. This means that you can browse your previously visited pages even when you’re offline this is a really cool feature but not many people who use it.

12. You can bookmark the current page by dragging the icon from the location bar to your Bookmarks folder. You can also drag it to the desktop to make an icon for that page.

13. To stop animated gifs from moving, press the ESC key.

Run Firefox From Removable Media

This advanced tip makes it possible to run Firefox from removable media, such as a USB memory stick. This will allow you to run Firefox with your personal settings from any computer, even those that don't have Firefox installed. It has only been tested on Windows XP/2000. The basic instructions are as follows:

1. Copy the Firefox application folder and your profile folder to the removable medium. In this example we will use R:\Firefox for the application folder and R:\FFProfile as the profile folder, assuming the drive letter for the removable media is R:.

2. Create a simple batch file called R:\Firefox.bat with the following line:

start \Firefox\firefox.exe -profile \FFProfile

(How to create a Batch File)
3. Optionally, disable the disk cache to reduce the amounts of file writes to the removable storage by using about:config to set browser.cache.disk.enable to false.

The reason why a batch file is needed instead of a simple shortcut is that a shortcut uses absolute paths, and since the actual drive letter for the removable media may change depending on which computer it is plugged into, the relative path used in the batch file is guaranteed to work anywhere.

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